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FergWorld : Articles

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By Ryan Ferguson, © 2001-2005

More articles to come! For now, enjoy...

Disclaimer: None of the articles presented at this site are meant to be instructional in nature. Always refer to your aircraft's Pilot Operating Handbook. Do not attempt any new flight maneuvers or procedures that may be outlined in these articles without a qualified, experienced CFI on-board.

Never Again Never Again headline
January, 2005 My confession: how complacency and distraction almost led to a fuel exhaustion accident. Ingredients: unfamiliar airplane; misunderstood systems; a damaged tailwheel; and a distracted pilot. [READ ARTICLE] »

Flying the Bell Jetranger TwinCo headline
September, 2004 All you ever wanted to know about the Bell 206B, the "Jetranger II," the world's most popular, successful, and ubiquitous light turbine helicopter. Includes everything from pre-flight inspection, to operating limitations, engine startup, normal flight operations, and emergency procedures. [READ ARTICLE] »

Flying the Twin Comanche TwinCo headline
July, 2002 An in-depth look at flying the best light twin ever built, the Piper Twin Comanche. Written especially for prospective owners considering the breed. [READ ARTICLE] »

Mountain Flying Mountain Flying
June, 2002 How would you like to fly into four of North America's highest elevation airports, turn one hundred and eighty degrees in a tight mountain canyon, and test the limits of a piston-powered airplane at high density altitude all in one day? Read my account of the Colorado Pilots' Association's Mountain Flying course. [READ ARTICLE] »

Copter! Copter!
November, 2001 Collective? Cyclic? Where's the yoke? An entirely new world of flying awaits you in rotary-wing aircraft. Take all your pre-conceived notions of flight and throw them out the window! A fixed-wing pilot's account of his first encounter with flingwings. [READ ARTICLE] »

IFR CRM Taming the Tailwheel
October, 2001 Regarding tailwheels? I quote: "... by the time you've managed to learn to control their cantankerous behavior, a previously elevated portion of your anatomy is bound to be dragging on the tarmac as you skulk away after your first crosswind landing." Debunking and discussing the tailwheel myth. [COMING SOON] »

September, 2001 Cockpit resource management (CRM) is an important aspect of flying single pilot IFR. This article includes my top ten tips for an easier and less stressful flight, as well as a discussion of the various components of CRM that lead to a safe, organized and predictable flight. [READ ARTICLE] »

Your multi-engine rating Your multi-engine rating
July, 2001 Thinking about getting your multi-engine rating? This article was written for you. Designed to be a 'get your feet wet' guide if you're curious about the world of twins. Includes a basic overview of what your training will include, as well as some of the safety issues involved with flying multi-engine aircraft. [READ ARTICLE] »