Go Gators! Welcome to Fergworld! Flying stories and pictures. Go Gators!

Fergworld lives... in a sense. The content and style are different
but I've resumed my aviation writings. Please visit:
Hope to see you there!

Welcome to Fergworld! Last updated December 20th, 2005

10/22/24    Home | Articles | Training | Instructor's Corner | Airplanes | Travelogues | PIREPS | For CFIs | ATPs | Pilot for Hire

8/22/2005: Updated Travelogues section: Gold Seal.
8/22/2005: Updated Travelogues section: Babies, Upgrades, and 'Round the Horn.
6/22/2005: Updated Travelogues section: I've earned my HS-125 type rating.
6/22/2005: Updated Travelogues section: Added Simuflite Training Journal.

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Welcome to my aviation website, by (a) pilot for pilots. I hope you enjoy these words and pictures. If you have any comments you can reach me at ryan@fergworld.com. Also, please be sure to sign my guestbook.

What the %@#$ is this site about?
A long time ago, I chose this domain name for a personal website, since my last name is Ferguson. That was then, this is now - and now is all about flying. "Fergworld" is meant to be tongue-in-cheek, lest you think I'm an egomaniac. So what will you find here? I self-publish articles on aviation - as a flight instructor I am very interested in sharing aviation with others. To that end I have constructed a Training & Reference section which contains lots of useful learning aids and training materials. I have also included pictures and reports of interesting aircraft, plus photos and stories about some of my cross-country flights and progress towards achieving various ratings and certificates. CFIs and instructor applicants might find my For Flight Instructors section helpful in their quest for memorizing and retaining knowledge. PIREPs contains reviews of various pilot equipment and gear. I try to keep these sections updated reasonably often, although I'll confess that my current schedule doesn't allow me to write as much as I'd like. My newest sections are my ATP Reference and Instructor's Corner. My nickname for the latter is the "Right Seat Peanut Gallery."

About me: I hold an FAA Airline Transport Pilot certificate with an Airplane Multi-engine Land rating, and an HS-125 type rating. I have commercial privileges in single-engine airplanes and helicopters, and am instrument-rated in helicopters. (ATP-ME, CP-ASEL, CP-RH-IH.) I am also an FAA Gold Seal Certified Flight Instructor. I am qualified to instruct in single-engine airplanes, multi-engine airplanes, and helicopters, and teach instruments in airplanes and helicopters. (CFI-ASE, CFI-AME, CFI-IA, CFI-RH-IH.) Additionally, I have an Advanced Ground Instructor certificate.

As a side note, this site is completely free. You'll not find a single banner ad! (As of March 22nd, 2005, I have populated the site with a series of unobtrusive and relevant Google text ads in an attempt to defray some of the expenses of operating this website. I'd appreciate it if you'd click on a few links of interest.) You may freely copy and distribute all articles or photos you find on these pages, as long as you always provide a link to this website wherever you post the photo or article.

Also, please have a look at my Pilot for Hire page. If you are looking for someone to ferry an aircraft or handle some other odd flying job, get in touch.

Please choose from the following options:

Articles My aviation articles. Currently featuring my newest article, 'Flying the Bell Jetranger', as well as 'Flying the Twin Comanche', Mountain Flying', 'Copter!', 'IFR CRM' and 'Your Multi-Engine Rating.' New articles published on a schedule-permitting basis. [GO] »

Training & Reference The Training & Reference section contains interactive java applets which demonstrate the use of cockpit navigation instruments, explanations of how air density works, and some very useful links to sites that will aid your quest to become a more knowledgeable pilot. [GO] »

Instructor's Corner New! Thoughts and musings from the right seat. I cover all topics of general aviation flight instruction here. This section is updated frequently, and I welcome comments and questions. [GO] »

Airplanes Aircraft like the Pitts S-2C, Piper Twin Comanche, and other interesting planes that I've flown are in this section. Includes photos and an occasional story or two. [GO] »

Travelogues Logs of some cross-country trips I've made, plus photos of the journey. Includes a detailed account of my recent flight from east coast to west coast (and back), flights to Canada, Colorado, and more. This page also currently serves as my 'flight diary,' so you'll find checkrides and such here too. [GO] »

PIREPS Tired of reading biased, watered-down reviews of pilot gear? No punches are pulled in PIREPS. Most recent reviews include Bendix King's KLN-94 IFR GPS, Jepp Vs. NACO, and Cheap Bastard Software In-Cockpit Wx. [GO] »

For Flight Instructors Flight instructors face the ongoing challenge of remembering everything from endorsements, to pt. 61 pilot certification, to Practical Test Standards, to FAA Weather Products. This section focuses on Quick Reference materials which can be used to quickly retrieve (or memorize) information. Includes information for airplane single-engine, multi-engine, and helicopter instructors. [GO] »

For ATP applicants New! This section includes systems and performance summaries for the Piper Twin Comanche (PA-30B), useful formulae/rules of thumb, an ATP Airplane PTS overview, and 'Cockpit Briefings and Procedures.' Designed for Airline Transport Pilot applicants, but pilots at any level may find them useful. [GO] »

Pilot for hire If you are in need of a ferry/delivery pilot or flight instructor, please review my 'Pilot for Hire' page. My specialty is the Piper Twin Comanche, but I am experienced in many models of aircraft, including the Piper Seneca, Pitts Special, Citabria/Decathlon and almost all single-engine piston Cessna and Piper nosewheel airplanes. [GO] »

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© Copyright 2001-2005, Ryan Ferguson. All rights reserved.