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FergWorld : ATP Reference

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ATP Reference
By Ryan Ferguson, © 2001-2005

For those seeking an ATP certificate, this series of reference files may prove helpful in your course of study. While the following are largely specific to the Airline Transport Pilot certificate with Airplane, Multi-engine Land rating, and also the Piper Twin Comanche (PA-30), the concepts contained herein could be used as a template to create your own systems/performance summary for your checkride airplane.

Please feel free to download, print out, and use these documents at your convenience. You'll need the Adobe Acrobat reader for the documents marked with the PDF (PDF) icon, and Microsoft Word for those marked with the Word (MS Word) icon.


Twin Comanche 3-view

  • New! MS Word PA-30B Performance Summary
    V-speeds, service ceilings, T/O ground run, accelerate-stop, simulated feather power settings.

  • New! MS Word PA-30B Systems Summary
    This file is 1.7mb and 30 pages in length. Includes detailed systems diagrams and explanations. This depth of systems knowledge is appropriate for an ATP oral exam, which is almost entirely systems-based.

  • New! (MS Excel spreadsheet) PA-30B Weight & Balance
    Weight and Balance for a specific N-number PA-30. Note advanced calculations for Va/Vyse based on gross weight, as well as service ceiling and single-engine service ceiling based on actual weight.

Practical Test Standards

  • New! MS Word ATP Airplane PTS Tasks Quick Reference
    For some reason I've always found it tedious to crawl through the published Practical Test Standards to find a particular maneuver tolerance, or some element of the practical test profile. This is simply a plain-english breakdown of most of the PTS airplane, multi-engine land tasks.

Cockpit Resource Management

  • New! MS Word Briefings and Cockpit Procedures
    A huge component of the ATP flight test is an evaluation of the applicant's ability to employ 'all available resources' to effectively manage workload during flight. This document plays an essential role in the PIC's proper briefing of required elements. Most items in this Procedures document are required briefing subjects per the ATP Practical Test Standards.

  • New! MS Word Formulae and Rules of Thumb
    While not exactly specific to the ATP checkride, the ability to quickly make mental calculations in a high-workload environment is a crucial skill for pilots. These formulae and rules of thumb can make that task an easier one.