FergWorld : For Flight Instructors
By Ryan Ferguson, © 2001-2005
Here in the 'For Flight Instructors' section, I've compiled information on topics ranging from PTS, to FOI, to Endorsements, and FAA Weather Services and tried to create an easy quick-reference for study and reference purposes. Most recently I've added the Helicopter Instructor Aeronautical Experience Quick Reference and the Multi-engine Instructor Quick Reference documents in MS Word format.
Please feel free to download, print out, and use these documents at your convenience. You'll need the Adobe Acrobat reader for the documents marked with the PDF ( ) icon, and Microsoft Word for those marked with the Word ( ) icon.
Flight Instructor Endorsements Quick Reference
Brief rundown of the required endorsements for student pilots (airplanes.) Not meant to be a replacement for any other reference.
Aeronautical Experience Quick Reference
Per CFR 14 Pt. 61.109 (private) and 61.129 (commercial) aeronautical experience requirements for airplanes.
Fundamentals of Instructing Quick Reference
Most of the FOI stuff organized into a table with acronyms for less brain-pain. Levels of learning, Teaching Process, Hierarchy of Learning, definitions, and so on. Use it as a 'flashcard' or quick reference.
PTS Quick Reference - Private Pilot
A table of all the Private Pilot Practical Test tasks with their various PTS requirements. Based on the Aug. 2, 2002 PTS revision.
PTS Quick Reference - Commercial Pilot
A table of all the Commercial Pilot Practical Test tasks with their various PTS requirements. Based on the Aug. 2, 2002 PTS revision.
Multi-engine Instructor Quick Reference
Quick reference for MEI applicants (or multi-engine pilots.) Covers Vmc, factors used by manufacturers to determine Vmca, factors affecting control (Vmc) and performance (Vyse), critical density altitude, zero sideslip, and more. Microsoft Word format.
Universal reference
FAA Weather Services Quick Reference
Includes all of the FAA weather products, type, duration of forecast or nowcast, and pertinent details. Includes TAF, TWEB, Area Forecast, Winds Aloft, type of pre-flight and in-flight briefings, EFAS, SIGMET, Convective SIGMET, AIRMET, Severe Weather Watch Bulletin (WW) and Alert (AWW), Convective Outlook (CA), Center Weather Advisory (CWA), Categorical Outlook, TIBS, HIWAS, FISDL, AWOS, ASOS, PIREP, and METAR.