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FergWorld: Airplanes : Pitts S-2C N312PS

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N312PS in flight "There are Pitts Specials and there are other airplanes and the two shouldn't be confused." -- Budd Davisson, Pitts 'guru,' 1999

Hello, and thanks for dropping in. Welcome to my electronic shrine for N312PS, a Pitts S-2C with 'my name written all over it.' Thoughts on this page? Please email ryan@fergworld.com.

The Pitts S-2C is the latest generation Pitts Special, an Unlimited-class aerobatic airplane certified for +6G/-5G (and frankly, easily capable of more.) Specs can be found at the bottom of the page.

I purchased this aircraft in July of 2000. This page chronicles some of my adventures and learning progress with the Pitts Special.

Note: The majority of the pictures are down below the progress updates; scroll down to see them.

Progress updates:

Going, going... gone

03/21/2002 - Sold. Sold! Arrrrrgh. Due to extensive travel and other commitments, my airplane was sold. My heart aches. It was sure fun while it lasted. I'd also like to point out to my detractors that this airplane was never bent or broken while I owned it! So it goes to show you that anyone can fly one of these things. I'll be back to akro. What a rush. When I do return, it will probably be in an Extra.

Akro coach, training

07/24/2001 - It's been much too long since I've updated this page! I am now flying with Patti Johnson, a former member of the U.S. National Aerobatics team. She's a great instructor and we're making good progress towards my first competition. I can't wait!

In-flight pictures!

12/29/2000 - Some excellent in-flight pictures of me piloting the Pitts, taken by my wife riding shotgun in a C-172SP. Purty!

200mph low approach!

200mph flyby 12/20/2000 - Here is a video (in .mpg format) that my wife took of a low approach I made at Bob White field (X61) in Central Florida. 200mph at just a few feet above the ground is quite a rush! The video is about 470k, which will take just about a minute or so over a regular dialup modem -- worth the wait. Click here to watch.

Pictures from AirFair at Orlando Executive Airport

11/16/2000 - I was debating whether or not to include this on the Pitts page, but I decided it was more Pitts related than "general aviation." Click here to see a page of thumbnails from the Orlando AirFair. I've got some really crappy pics of airplanes in flight (the digital camera, sans viewfinder, is NOT ideal for these kind of pics) but the pics of planes on the ground came out pretty well. Larry Tague and Keith Leicktig both flew in this show.

11/15/2000 - Back for another update! I have approximately 85 tailwheel hours now, and most of them are in the Pitts. (Total time is nearing 300 hours -- talk about a lot of flying in one year!) I'm now regularly flying the Pitts at +6G/-3G. Let me tell you, negative G is very uncomfortable, and I'm still only capable of flying at -3 in small doses.

Here are the maneuvers I'm flying... in addition to the IAC Sportsman Known sequence. (Hope to fly that sequence soon at an IAC competition.)

  • Loops
  • Aileron rolls
  • Slow rolls

  • The 2000 IAC Sportsman sequence
  • Barrel rolls
  • Immelmans
  • Hammerheads
  • 1/2 Cuban Eight
  • Reverse 1/2 Cuban Eight
  • Vertical rolls
  • Snap rolls
  • Point rolls
  • Split-S
  • Upright spins
  • Inverted spins
  • Pull-pull humpty-bumps
  • Pull-push humpty-bumps
  • Knife-edge flight
  • Combinations of the above
  • I am flying with Keith Leicktig of Keith Aviation, who's been brave and kind enough to fly in the front seat while giving his expert guidance. Having a BLAST! Until the next update -- see ya! Don't forget to drop me a line at ryan@fergworld.com.

    09/05/2000 - Woohoo! After about 200 or so landings in the Pitts I am starting to be a little less apprehensive when the plane is on the ground, or in the process of coming close to it (landing) or leaving it (taking off.) Ground handling is definitely the biggest challenge, because in the air the plane is actually quite easy to fly.

    I've been doing very light akro (loops, rolls), and I'm about ready to start real aerobatic training very soon. I'm still just having a ball flying around and enjoying the airplane.

    Took my first passenger up in the plane -- my friend Eric. We had a great time cavorting in the sunny Florida skies.

    Please note the new pics below, some of which were taken in flight, while others were taken at Bob White (X61), just northeast of Lake Apopka in Central Florida. This is where I hope to hangar the Pitts -- unfortunately, I'm on the waiting list.

    07/25/2000 - After about 3 hours in a Citabria, 4 in a Decathlon, and 12 in my Pitts, I'm signed off and legal to fly solo! I did about 10 T&Gs and some light akro on my own before returning the ramp, exhilarated. I'm going to get another dozen or so hours solo before taking any passengers. After that... email me and let's fly!

    "Beware: Your first flight in a Pitts is going to ruin you for any other airplane." -- Budd Davisson

    Pitts links:

  • Pitts Special Corner

  • Power Aerobatics

  • Sunrise Aviation's S-2B

  • MuscleBiplane.org


    Pics from Sept. 03, 2000 flight

    Pics from May 25, 2000 demo flight

    Pics taken by Larry


    Pitts Aerobatic Flight Load Limits +6G/-5G
    Takeoff Distance Ground Roll 554'
    Takeoff Distance Over 50' Obstacle 860'
    Max Demonstrated Crosswing Component 17 kt
    Rate of Climb, Sea Level (minimum wt) 2,900 fpm
    Maximum Level Speed, Sea Level 169 kt
    Cruise Speed/Endurance w/30 min rsv std fuel 150 KTAS/1.6 hr
    Fuel Consumption @75% Power 84 pph/14 gph
    Best Economy 6,000 f
    Landing Distance over 50' Obstacle 1,200'
    Landing Distance, Ground Roll 750'


    Power Plant
    • Textron Lycoming AEIO-540D4A5 Aerobatic 260 HP Engine w/Bendix servo fuel injection system
    • Hartzell Aerobatic 3 Blade Constant Speed Prop
    • Becker 4201 Comm. w/PTT Intercom and Hot Mike Switch
    • King KT76C w/Mode "C" Blind Encoder
    • PM 1000II Voice Activated Intercom
    • Complete 14 Volt Electrical System
    • Lightweight Sky-teck Starter
    • RG25 Battery
    • ELT
    • Push to Talk Switch Throttle Mounted
    • Hour Meter, Hobbs
    Fuel System
    • Full Inverted Fuel and Oil System
    • 5 Gal Aux Upper Wing Tang
    • Digital Fuel Flow and Fuel Gauge
    • Full Two Place Canopy
    • Fresh Air Vents
    • Front Cockpit Flight and Power Indication Instruments
    • 5 point Harnesses Front Seat
    • Hooker Harness Rear Seat
    • Shoulder Pads
    • Map Case
    • Wheel Fairings
    • Steerable Full Swiveling Tail Wheel
    • Three Color High Gloss Paint In Urethane Finish